52. A stationary internal combustion engine, other than an engine used in an emergency to operate a generator, pump, compressor or other similar unit, must not emit into the atmosphere(1) nitrogen oxides in excess of the limits set out in the following table:
Rated Power Nitrogen oxide emission limits
(MW) (g/Mj of fuel input)
Existing engine New engine
<1 2.2 2.2
≥1 4.5 2.5
(2) more than 1.8 g of carbon monoxide per megajoule of fuel input for an engine with a rated power equal to or greater than 1 MW, or not more than 0.65 g of carbon monoxide per megajoule of fuel input for an engine with a rated power less than 1 MW; or
(3) more than 2.2 g of total hydrocarbons per megajoule of fuel input for an engine with a rated power equal to or greater than 1 MW using gas or a fossil fuel mixture, or not more than 0.28 g of total hydrocarbons per megajoule of fuel input for an engine with a rated power equal to or greater than 1 MW using diesel or light fuel oil or for an engine with a rated power less than 1 MW.